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Sclerotherapy In Scottsdale, Arizona

How to get rid of Spider Veins
Sclerotherapy, a procedure developed over 75 years ago, is still the gold standard for treating unsightly spider veins in legs caused by pregnancy, prolonged standing, or heredity.

A saline solution or chemical "sclerosing" agent is injected into the veins using a tiny needle. The blood is replaced by the solution, causing the vessel wall to collapse and break down. This initiates the body to decompose and shrink the vessel and finally it disappears. The vein simply collapses and is carried away by the body's natural healing process, while other veins take over to carry the blood to the tissues. The solution injected into the veins contains an anesthetic so discomfort is minimal, although the injection sites may be somewhat tender to touch for a few weeks. Depending on the severity of the spider veins, several treatments may be required for optimal results.

Who should use sclerotherapy? A thorough medical history and consultation is necessary to determine who is an appropriate candidate for this procedure. It is not indicated for those with diabetes, those on anti-coagulant therapy, with crippling osteoarthritis, autoimmune diseases or a history of blood clots, or during pregnancy. A trained Medical Nurse Aesthetic Specialist takes your medical history to determine the cause and severity of your condition and determine the treatment strategy. Sclerotherapy treatment is monitored and approved by a licensed Medical Director.

What restrictions are there after sclerotherapy?
The injection sites will be taped with cotton balls for compression at the time of the procedure. These can be removed in 24-48 hours. Avoid strenuous activities for 48-72 hours after treatment, but normal activities and walking are encouraged. Avoid hot baths, sun exposure and swimming in chlorinated pools for one week. Avoid blood-thinning medications, such as Aspirin, Motrin, Advil, Vioxx and Ibuprofen for 24-48 hours.

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