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Medical Aesthetics Faqs For Nurses

What is a Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist?

A Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist is an RN with specialized training in cosmetic procedures such as Botox injections, collagen replacement therapy, sclerotherapy, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and photofacial. It is within most states' nursing scopes of practice to perform these procedures with proper training.

Do I need a Medical Director to be a Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist?

Yes. Botox, collagen and other soft tissue fillers must be purchased under a physician's license, so medical aesthetics nurses need to align with a physician who will serve as their Medical Director. Medical Directors can be plastic surgeons, dermatologists, ophthalmologists or any other licensed physician with an interest in medical aesthetics. Their responsibility is to provide supervision to comply with state laws of medical and nursing practice. A Medical Director establishes a professional relationship with clients to monitor cosmetic procedures.

Do I need to be an aesthetician to be a Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist?

No, the training required for a licensed registered nurse along with specialized training in skin care and cosmetic procedures is beyond the training of an aesthetician.

Is there a license to become a Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist?

Currently there is no separate licensing needed for a Registered Nurse to become a Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist; however, additional training on specific procedures is necessary. This can be provided by courses available from certified trainers or on the job with a physician.

Where can a Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist work?

Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialists have many options to choose from for a work setting. These include a physician's office, a medi-spa affiliated with a Medical Director, or a freestanding clinic affiliated with a Medical Director.

What about malpractice insurance?

Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialists need to carry their own malpractice insurance. Some Medical Directors may carry additional coverage for a Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist under an umbrella of their own insurance.
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